Lift Every Voice and Sing: The Black National Anthem’s Origin, Significance, and Ongoing Relevance

In the rich tapestry of American history, there exists a powerful anthem that resonates with the struggles, triumphs, and aspirations of the Black community. “Lift Continue Reading

What is teachers pay teachers and how does it benefit black history?

“Teachers Pay Teachers” (TpT) is an online marketplace where educators can buy and sell educational resources, materials, lesson plans, and teaching activities. The platform was Continue Reading

Who created Florda’s new black history statndards

The new Black history standards in Florida were created by a work group of 13 members, including nominees from Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. The Continue Reading

The New Florida Black History Standards and its Implications for Black History.

The new Black history curriculum in Florida has been a topic of controversy since its introduction. The curriculum has been criticized for its portrayal of Continue Reading